Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4

It's hard to believe that October is here and with it some very chilly weather. It was 46 degrees this morning. The text here is in orange in honor of Halloween .
These little critters were following Mom around last Spring. We have lived here 20 years and we've only seen the adults. I guess after all this time they feel safe. When we returned from the Gypsy Journal Rally, these little guys had doubled there size. They walk all around the driveway, across the back lawn, around the clothes lines and back again. When that game gets tiring, it's off to the orchard in front of the house. Talk about entertainment - they are typical teenagers, picking and arguing with each other and pecking whenever they feel like it.
Russ had his annual VA checkup in Lebanon, we both saw the family doctor and then, of course, there is always the dentist. The dentist says I need more work, so back I will go 2 more times.
We have a Keystone Winnies campout coming up in Adamstown, PA and we're hosting the last get together in Lancaster at the Old Millstream. So much to do and not enough time to do it in.
A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
(Quoted from Full Timers News)

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